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Saturday, June 29, 2019

6 Things Great Teachers Do - Back to School 2019

Are you ready to start your school year?

Would you like some new tips for the classroom?

Do you want to see how other teachers make their year a success?

Six Things Great Teachers Do

This blog series will cover all you need for setting up a successful school year in your classroom. With practical tips and techniques that have been used in the classroom, this will be a helpful series for any teacher looking to create a better classroom community. Here is the list of topics that will be covered in the next six weeks:
  1. How to Create a Positive Classroom Environment 
  2. Using Classroom Management Techniques
  3. Having Consequences for the Classroom
  4. Grading Math Assignments
  5. Retesting in Math Class
  6. Open Parent Communication Great Teachers Use

Back to school season doesn't have to be hard. Using practical techniques to start the school year is the best way to go. Be a great teacher this year and give your students the best back to school by preparing for it today. Do you want more helpful tips and techniques?  >>Click here<< to subscribe to the VIP teachers email list today!

Happy Teaching!