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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

3 Teacher Tips for Back to School

Are you ready for Back to School?

Here are 3 Teacher Tips to be Back to School ready in 10 minutes or less!

3 Teacher Tips for Back to School

1. Organize 

Back to school can be overwhelming and you are pulled in all different directions. First, sit down and plan what you are going to do during planning week, during the first week of school, first month, etc. Set small attainable goals in a calendar that you can check off. Having a check list is one of the best ways to stay organized and accomplish your goals.  Download the FREE Back to School Planner with checklist and calendars to maximize your planning time.

2. Plan in Reverse

Planning is key to having a successful school year. Planning in reverse will make sure you have your end goals as a priority. Use a calendar to plan out your first quarter. Take your curriculum one day at a time. The best curriculum is the one that you use every day, one day at a time. Remember that consistency is key in staying with your plan for the school year.

3. Keep students actively ENGAGED

The first week of school is critical to have everyone on board with your plan for the school year. You set the tone of the classroom, explain the expectations, and most importantly you get to know your students. Keep them engaged while you are getting to know them. 

Parents ask two questions "did you have fun?" and "what did you learn?" If you're having fun while learning students will retain the information you are teaching. Try using activities and games the first week to build relationships with your students.  

35 Different activities and math puzzles for Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 

Surveys, Projects, and Math Skills Review for Grades 3 to 5 and 6 to 8. 

Equations, Rational Numbers, Expressions, Ratios, Proportions and Integers Review.

Try one new activity to do with your students the first week in August. Watch them light up as they have fun in your classroom! They will remember how happy you made them feel while learning.

Have a Great Back to School!