Are you looking for at home learning resources that work?
Do you want your kids to do meaningful math at home?
Last week I wrote blog about At Home Learning Schedule you can read HERE. This week I'm including more resources and activities that make math meaningful at home. Being at home can be fun and enjoyable with your family. Make these moments count and engage in math discourse with daily activities.
At Home Learning Resources
Growing a lifelong learner is not an overnight process. Take learning one day at a time. At Home Learning is not stressful, it's inquisitive and applicable. Try one of these At Home Learning Resources today!
1. Math Menus
Try doing a different math activity every day. Each weekly menu displays nine different activities. Students pick five different activities to complete for the week. Math menus are perfect for practicing grade level skills in a unique way.2. No Prep Math Packets
Practicing basic math skills doesn't have to be boring. What skills does your student need to review? Each grade level (3rd through 8th) reviews key math standards. Make math fun with a puzzle today!3. End of Year booklets
The end of year mini booklet is an overall math review for the grade level. Grades 5-8 each have a booklet complete with 60 questions that review all the standards for the grade level. It's compact in a booklet form for students to easily complete on their own.4. Math Vocabulary
Learning grade level math vocabulary is a must before going on to the next grade level. There are certain terms that students should know before being promoted. Have your students had enough practice this school year with vocabulary?5. Math Games
Some of my favorite math games you probably already have at home. Grades K-2 math students can play monopoly and practice counting skills. Grades 3-5 students can play the game 21 with play cards to practice finding sums of 21. Grades 6-8 math students can play Battleship to practice coordinate graphing and problem solving skills. Games are meant to be fun and light. Make math time enjoyable at home!Whatever resource you decide to use for math at home, just make it fun. When learning is fun, your students will want to do it again. It's important to foster a love of learning during difficult times.
Happy Learning at Home!