Operations with decimals is an important skill for every student to master. Just think of the multiple ways you use decimals every day! Money, time, food, travelling, measurement and the list goes on. Almost everything that can be measured, can be measured with decimals. That's a lot of decimals! Decimals help us to be precise and exact when measuring. Being able to use operations with decimals correctly is important for everyone to master, especially your building contractor! Here are some fun ways to learn and review operations with decimals:
{Click HERE to view Math Stations: Operations with Decimals}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to fluently divide multi-digit numbers, and to fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Decimal Operations
4. Additional Practice of Decimal Operations
5. Real World applications of Decimals
6. Word problems of Decimal Operations
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
{Click HERE to view IMN: Operations with Decimals}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand how to fluently divide multi-digit numbers, and to fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
Included are:
-4 different Decimals activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Practice of writing Decimals, Adding & Subtracting Decimals, and Multiplying & Dividing Decimals.
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
{Click HERE to view October NO PREP Math Packet}
This October Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!
Teaching decimals can be fun and engaging for students to learn, refresh, or review. Using manipulatives, activities, games, or worksheets can be helpful. Keep them actively engaged in the process and their learning gains will increase.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Teaching Operations with Fractions {Grade 6}
I love teaching fractions to sixth graders despite the many obstacles that students might have to overcome. All students must master fractions to be able to master Algebra concepts later on. There are so many different ways to teach fractions from hands-on card sort activities, foldable notes, math stations, interactive notebook tools, and games. I've compiled a list of my favorite resources for engaging students in FRACTIONS.
{Click HERE to view ROLL IT!: Operations with Fractions game}
These dice games are intended to help students understand how to compare fractions, find equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction, interpret and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 Different ROLL IT! NO PREP games
-2 Player games
-1 set of printable dice
-Each game is a Teacher facilitated activity for 15-30 minutes of classroom time
-NO PREP Print & GO!
-Topics Covered:
Comparing Fractions
Finding Equivalent Fractions
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
{Click HERE to view IMN: Operations with Fractions}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-4 different Fractions activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Word Problems with Fractions, Comparing Fractions, and K.C.F. Method for Dividing Fractions
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
{Click HERE to view Math Stations: Operations with Fractions}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Fraction Operations
4. Additional Practice of Fraction Operations
5. Real World applications of Fractions
6. Word problems of Fraction Operations
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
{Click HERE to view October NO PREP Math Packet Grade 6}
This October Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!
THIS OCTOBER NO PREP MATH PACKET FEATURES: *20 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 6th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Decimals
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Updated for 2016-2017 School Year!
I hope these resources give you ideas for teaching operations with fractions. My favorite is the IMN activity where students have to "Keep it Change it Flip it" the fraction when dividing to find the answer. Students move the fractions in the interactive activity to come to the correct conclusions for the solution. Make learning fractions fun and engaging in your classroom too!
{Click HERE to view ROLL IT!: Operations with Fractions game}
These dice games are intended to help students understand how to compare fractions, find equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction, interpret and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 Different ROLL IT! NO PREP games
-2 Player games
-1 set of printable dice
-Each game is a Teacher facilitated activity for 15-30 minutes of classroom time
-NO PREP Print & GO!
-Topics Covered:
Comparing Fractions
Finding Equivalent Fractions
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
{Click HERE to view IMN: Operations with Fractions}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-4 different Fractions activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Word Problems with Fractions, Comparing Fractions, and K.C.F. Method for Dividing Fractions
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
{Click HERE to view Math Stations: Operations with Fractions}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Fraction Operations
4. Additional Practice of Fraction Operations
5. Real World applications of Fractions
6. Word problems of Fraction Operations
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
{Click HERE to view October NO PREP Math Packet Grade 6}
This October Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!
THIS OCTOBER NO PREP MATH PACKET FEATURES: *20 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 6th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Decimals
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Updated for 2016-2017 School Year!
I hope these resources give you ideas for teaching operations with fractions. My favorite is the IMN activity where students have to "Keep it Change it Flip it" the fraction when dividing to find the answer. Students move the fractions in the interactive activity to come to the correct conclusions for the solution. Make learning fractions fun and engaging in your classroom too!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Teaching Proportional & Non-Proportional Relationships {Grade 8}
There are many different ways to approach teaching Proportional & Non-Proportional Relationships in Math. I love to use the compare and contrast method. This is especially helpful in that it increases learning gains (Marzano Research) and helps students to be able to know the characteristics of both. Here are some helpful resources for developing conceptual knowledge of Proportional & Non-Proportional Relationships.
Click HERE for Proportional Math Stations {Grade 8}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to graph proportional relationships, interpret the unit rate as the slope, compare two different proportional relationships, compare properties of two functions, and construct a function to model a linear relationship and determine the rate of change.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Proportional Relationships
4. Additional Practice of Proportional Relationships
5. Real World applications of Proportional Relationships
6. Word problems of Proportional Relationships
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Non-Proportional Math Stations {Grade 8}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to explain why the slope is the same between any two distinct points, compare properties of two functions, interpret equations as proportional or non-proportional, and construct a function to model a linear relationship.Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Non-Proportional Relationships
4. Additional Practice of Non-Proportional Relationships
5. Real World applications of Non-Proportional Relationships
6. Word problems of Non-Proportional Relationships
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Proportional Interactive Math Notebook Activities {Grade 8}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand how to graph proportional relationships, interpret the unit rate as the slope, compare two different proportional relationships, compare properties of two functions, and construct a function to model a linear relationship and determine the rate of change.
Included are:
-4 different Proportional Relationships activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Writing a rule (linear equation) from a function with a proportional relationship, Finding the slope between two points, and Writing a function table and drawing a graph from a linear equation.
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
Click HERE for Non-Proportional Interactive Math Notebook Activities {Grade 8}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand how to explain why the slope is the same between any two distinct points, compare properties of two functions, interpret equations as proportional or non-proportional, and construct a function to model a linear relationship.Included are:
-4 different Non-Proportional Relationships activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Writing a rule (linear equation) from a function with a proportional relationship and non-proportional relationship, Finding the slope between two points, and discovering the differences between non-proportional and proportional relationships.
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
I hope these help give you some ideas into developing lessons for Proportional & Non-Proportional Relationships. It's important to note the differences using compare & contrast, summarizing with notes, and engaging activities that drive conceptual learning. Go & Make Math Engaging!
Click HERE for Proportional Math Stations {Grade 8}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to graph proportional relationships, interpret the unit rate as the slope, compare two different proportional relationships, compare properties of two functions, and construct a function to model a linear relationship and determine the rate of change.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Proportional Relationships
4. Additional Practice of Proportional Relationships
5. Real World applications of Proportional Relationships
6. Word problems of Proportional Relationships
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Non-Proportional Math Stations {Grade 8}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to explain why the slope is the same between any two distinct points, compare properties of two functions, interpret equations as proportional or non-proportional, and construct a function to model a linear relationship.Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Non-Proportional Relationships
4. Additional Practice of Non-Proportional Relationships
5. Real World applications of Non-Proportional Relationships
6. Word problems of Non-Proportional Relationships
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Proportional Interactive Math Notebook Activities {Grade 8}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand how to graph proportional relationships, interpret the unit rate as the slope, compare two different proportional relationships, compare properties of two functions, and construct a function to model a linear relationship and determine the rate of change.
Included are:
-4 different Proportional Relationships activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Writing a rule (linear equation) from a function with a proportional relationship, Finding the slope between two points, and Writing a function table and drawing a graph from a linear equation.
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
Click HERE for Non-Proportional Interactive Math Notebook Activities {Grade 8}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand how to explain why the slope is the same between any two distinct points, compare properties of two functions, interpret equations as proportional or non-proportional, and construct a function to model a linear relationship.Included are:
-4 different Non-Proportional Relationships activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Writing a rule (linear equation) from a function with a proportional relationship and non-proportional relationship, Finding the slope between two points, and discovering the differences between non-proportional and proportional relationships.
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
I hope these help give you some ideas into developing lessons for Proportional & Non-Proportional Relationships. It's important to note the differences using compare & contrast, summarizing with notes, and engaging activities that drive conceptual learning. Go & Make Math Engaging!
Friday, September 23, 2016
FREE Substitute Planning Guide {Friday FREEBIE}
Are you prepared to have a substitute enter your classroom this school year? Substitutes are usually visitors that may not have stepped in your classroom before. The easiest way to make them feel WELCOME is to have a folder prepared with the essentials for the day. You can prepare this ahead of time (3 months or the day before), but make sure it's all in one easy to read spot.
Inside of the your substitute folder include the following items:
1. A pen and some pencils for them to hand out to students who forget theirs. (Also don't expect to get them back).
2. A Thank you note! (This may be the only "Thank You" they hear all day, make it count!)
3. A list of the students and where they sit in the classroom. Also you can put a star by a few names of responsible students for the substitute to get help from.
4. A Simple EASY lesson plan template for ANY substitute to read and make comments on. You may not know WHO your substitute is ahead of time and the best practice is to KEEP IT SIMPLE. I have had principals, yes multiple principals rave about how much they LOVED my EASY to read lesson plan template. Make sure you download this Editable FREE lesson plan template too. You won't regret it because it's FREE!
{CLICK HERE for your FREE Editable Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template}
I hope these four easy steps help you & your substitute teacher on your next sick day! If this Substitute Lesson template was helpful in any way please leave me a comment on the product in my TPT store. Cheers to good health until then!
Inside of the your substitute folder include the following items:
1. A pen and some pencils for them to hand out to students who forget theirs. (Also don't expect to get them back).
2. A Thank you note! (This may be the only "Thank You" they hear all day, make it count!)
3. A list of the students and where they sit in the classroom. Also you can put a star by a few names of responsible students for the substitute to get help from.
4. A Simple EASY lesson plan template for ANY substitute to read and make comments on. You may not know WHO your substitute is ahead of time and the best practice is to KEEP IT SIMPLE. I have had principals, yes multiple principals rave about how much they LOVED my EASY to read lesson plan template. Make sure you download this Editable FREE lesson plan template too. You won't regret it because it's FREE!
{CLICK HERE for your FREE Editable Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template}
I hope these four easy steps help you & your substitute teacher on your next sick day! If this Substitute Lesson template was helpful in any way please leave me a comment on the product in my TPT store. Cheers to good health until then!
Substitute Plans,
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
October NO PREP Math Packets {Grades 3 to 8}
Welcome Fall Y'all! I just love the season Fall and everything it means. In Florida it's not really celebrated for me until Starbucks brings back their Pumpkin Spice latte, Disney decorates for Fall, and my FAVORITE Florida Fall thing of all, the golden rain trees start to change colors {that's about the only color change for us in Florida}. Here's a picture of one if you have never seen one in person. It's more beautiful in person of course and a blessing to enjoy.
So with Fall under way I have some FUN & ENGAGING Math Fall activities for your students! Each grade level packet addresses grade level topics and standards.
3rd Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
Displaying Data with Pictographs
Adding & Subtracting Time
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
4th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
Displaying Data with Pictographs
Comparing Fractions
Adding & Subtracting Time
Area of Unit Squares
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
5th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Order of Operations
-Place Value
-Powers of 10
-Dividing Whole Numbers
-Adding & Subtracting Decimals
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
6th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Operations with Decimals
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
7th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Integers
-Operations with Rational Numbers
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
8th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Exponents
-Operations with Scientific Notation
-Operations with Real Numbers (Square Roots)
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
I hope your students enjoy reviewing their Math skills with these packets. My students always asked for more activities and puzzles that were engaging and fun. The theme throughout all of these packets is a pumpkin patch perfect for October. Make sure your students get their crayons, colored pencils, or markers ready for enjoy and color along with practicing their Math Skills.
So with Fall under way I have some FUN & ENGAGING Math Fall activities for your students! Each grade level packet addresses grade level topics and standards.
3rd Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
Displaying Data with Pictographs
Adding & Subtracting Time
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
4th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
Displaying Data with Pictographs
Comparing Fractions
Adding & Subtracting Time
Area of Unit Squares
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
5th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Order of Operations
-Place Value
-Powers of 10
-Dividing Whole Numbers
-Adding & Subtracting Decimals
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
6th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Operations with Decimals
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
7th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Integers
-Operations with Rational Numbers
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
8th Grade NO PREP Math Packet {October}
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Exponents
-Operations with Scientific Notation
-Operations with Real Numbers (Square Roots)
{Click HERE to view this PACKET}
I hope your students enjoy reviewing their Math skills with these packets. My students always asked for more activities and puzzles that were engaging and fun. The theme throughout all of these packets is a pumpkin patch perfect for October. Make sure your students get their crayons, colored pencils, or markers ready for enjoy and color along with practicing their Math Skills.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Middle School Math Stations for 8th Grade
Have you been introduced to Math Stations? When I first heard about these I was hesitant to start using them in my classroom because I thought it would be time consuming making all these station activities. I have great news, I've created a NO PREP set and would love to share it with you!
Math Stations (also called Math Workshops) is a system of different types of activities in the classroom for the students to complete based on the same topic. I have created the 8th Grade Math Stations BUNDLE to cover all of the Math topics related to grade eight and also cover all of the eighth grade common core standards.
These Math Stations activities are helpful to students in that they review concepts, practice Math, apply Math, and read about the Math in the real world. There are many different ways you can use these stations as they are versatile for the teacher to pick and choose which ones you want to use on any given day. If you already use Math stations in your classroom these can complement your set with additional practice and applications for students to review Common Core Standards.
This Middle School Math Station Bundle is a COMPLETED BUNDLE covering ALL 8th grade Common Core Standards!
{Click HERE to view the BUNDLE}
This Bundle is 20% OFF the original price of all total math stations.
Included are the following Math Stations:
Math Stations: Real Numbers
Math Stations: Exponents & Scientific Notation
Math Stations: Proportional Relationships
Math Stations: Non-Proportional Relationships
Math Stations: Writing Linear Equations
Math Stations: Functions
Math Stations: Linear Equations
Math Stations: Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Math Stations: Transformations & Congruence
Math Stations: Transformations & Similarity
Math Stations: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines & Triangles
Math Stations: The Pythagorean Theorem
Math Stations: Volume
Math Stations: Scatter Plots
Math Stations: Two-Way Tables
I used this resource in my classroom as a means of practice and review for all the 8th grade standards. My students scores excelled and they enjoyed independently working with their classmates on the different tasks. I hope your students have the same success with Math Stations in your classroom!
Math Stations (also called Math Workshops) is a system of different types of activities in the classroom for the students to complete based on the same topic. I have created the 8th Grade Math Stations BUNDLE to cover all of the Math topics related to grade eight and also cover all of the eighth grade common core standards.
These Math Stations activities are helpful to students in that they review concepts, practice Math, apply Math, and read about the Math in the real world. There are many different ways you can use these stations as they are versatile for the teacher to pick and choose which ones you want to use on any given day. If you already use Math stations in your classroom these can complement your set with additional practice and applications for students to review Common Core Standards.
This Middle School Math Station Bundle is a COMPLETED BUNDLE covering ALL 8th grade Common Core Standards!
{Click HERE to view the BUNDLE}
This Bundle is 20% OFF the original price of all total math stations.
Included are the following Math Stations:
Math Stations: Real Numbers
Math Stations: Exponents & Scientific Notation
Math Stations: Proportional Relationships
Math Stations: Non-Proportional Relationships
Math Stations: Writing Linear Equations
Math Stations: Functions
Math Stations: Linear Equations
Math Stations: Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Math Stations: Transformations & Congruence
Math Stations: Transformations & Similarity
Math Stations: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines & Triangles
Math Stations: The Pythagorean Theorem
Math Stations: Volume
Math Stations: Scatter Plots
Math Stations: Two-Way Tables
I used this resource in my classroom as a means of practice and review for all the 8th grade standards. My students scores excelled and they enjoyed independently working with their classmates on the different tasks. I hope your students have the same success with Math Stations in your classroom!
grade 8 math,
Middle School Math Stations
Friday, September 16, 2016
Teaching Rational Numbers {Grades 6 & 7}
Oh how I love a rational number! In mathematics, a rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction x/y of two integers, a numerator x and a non-zero denominator y. Every integer is a rational number! That's a lot of numbers. To get students engaged in Rational Numbers I have used many different activities. Here are some of my favorite activities for teaching Rational Numbers.
Click HERE for Grade 6 Math Stations: Rational Numbers
Click HERE for Grade 7 Math Stations: Rational Numbers
1. Math Stations for Rational Numbers
This math station activity is intended to help students understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Students will also extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes. Students will also understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include: 1. Vocabulary 2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com) 3. Practice of Rational Numbers 4. Additional Practice of Rational Numbers 5. Real World applications of Rational Numbers 6. Word problems of Rational Numbers
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Grade 6 IMN: Rational Numbers
Click HERE for Grade 7 IMN: Rational Numbers
2. Interactive Math Notebook Activities for Rational Numbers
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Students will also extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes. Students will also understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
Included are:
-4 different Rational Numbers activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Practice of Rational Numbers, Ordering Rational Numbers, and Creating Number Lines with Rational Numbers
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
I hope these activities help you to jump start into Rational Numbers. Remember to actively engage your students in the learning process and they will own their knowledge!
Click HERE for Grade 6 Math Stations: Rational Numbers
Click HERE for Grade 7 Math Stations: Rational Numbers
1. Math Stations for Rational Numbers
This math station activity is intended to help students understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Students will also extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes. Students will also understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include: 1. Vocabulary 2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com) 3. Practice of Rational Numbers 4. Additional Practice of Rational Numbers 5. Real World applications of Rational Numbers 6. Word problems of Rational Numbers
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
Click HERE for Grade 6 IMN: Rational Numbers
Click HERE for Grade 7 IMN: Rational Numbers
2. Interactive Math Notebook Activities for Rational Numbers
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Students will also extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes. Students will also understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
Included are:
-4 different Rational Numbers activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Practice of Rational Numbers, Ordering Rational Numbers, and Creating Number Lines with Rational Numbers
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
I hope these activities help you to jump start into Rational Numbers. Remember to actively engage your students in the learning process and they will own their knowledge!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Middle School Math Stations FREEBIE {YouTube Video}
In this video I talk about Middle School Math Stations, Tips for implementing Math Stations in your classroom, and a Middle School Math Stations FREEBIE is included too!
{Click HERE to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel}.
{Click HERE to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel}.
Middle School Math Stations,
Youtube Video
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Middle School Math Stations for 7th Grade
Do you use Math Stations in your classroom? I was hesitant at first when I started using Math Stations, but quickly found out how valuable they are!
Math Stations (also called Math Workshops) is a system of different types of activities in the classroom for the students to complete based on the same topic. I have created the 7th Grade Math Stations BUNDLE to cover all of the Math topics related to grade seven and also cover all of the seventh grade common core standards.
These Math Stations activities are helpful to students in that they review concepts, practice Math, apply Math, and read about the Math in the real world. There are many different ways you can use these stations as they are versatile for the teacher to pick and choose which ones you want to use on any given day. If you already use Math stations in your classroom these can complement your set with additional practice and applications for students to review Common Core Standards.
This Middle School Math Station Bundle is a COMPLETED BUNDLE covering ALL 7th grade Common Core Standards!
This Bundle is 20% OFF the original price of all total math stations.
{Click HERE to view the BUNDLE}
Included are the following Math Stations:
Math Stations: Adding & Subtracting Integers
Math Stations: Multiplying & Dividing Integers
Math Stations: Rational Numbers
Math Stations: Rates & Proportionality
Math Stations: Proportions & Percents
Math Stations: Expressions & Equations
Math Stations: Inequalities
Math Stations: Modeling Geometric Figures
Math Stations: Circumference, Area, & Volume
Math Stations: Random Samples & Populations
Math Stations: Analyzing & Comparing Data
Math Stations: Experimental Probability
Math Stations: Theoretical Probability & Simulations
I know this can be a great resource for you and your students to be actively engaged in the learning process. Students gain self-confidence and own their learning process when they are given the chance to work independently on Math Stations.
Math Stations (also called Math Workshops) is a system of different types of activities in the classroom for the students to complete based on the same topic. I have created the 7th Grade Math Stations BUNDLE to cover all of the Math topics related to grade seven and also cover all of the seventh grade common core standards.
These Math Stations activities are helpful to students in that they review concepts, practice Math, apply Math, and read about the Math in the real world. There are many different ways you can use these stations as they are versatile for the teacher to pick and choose which ones you want to use on any given day. If you already use Math stations in your classroom these can complement your set with additional practice and applications for students to review Common Core Standards.
This Middle School Math Station Bundle is a COMPLETED BUNDLE covering ALL 7th grade Common Core Standards!
This Bundle is 20% OFF the original price of all total math stations.
{Click HERE to view the BUNDLE}
Included are the following Math Stations:
Math Stations: Adding & Subtracting Integers
Math Stations: Multiplying & Dividing Integers
Math Stations: Rational Numbers
Math Stations: Rates & Proportionality
Math Stations: Proportions & Percents
Math Stations: Expressions & Equations
Math Stations: Inequalities
Math Stations: Modeling Geometric Figures
Math Stations: Circumference, Area, & Volume
Math Stations: Random Samples & Populations
Math Stations: Analyzing & Comparing Data
Math Stations: Experimental Probability
Math Stations: Theoretical Probability & Simulations
I know this can be a great resource for you and your students to be actively engaged in the learning process. Students gain self-confidence and own their learning process when they are given the chance to work independently on Math Stations.
grade 7 math,
Middle School Math Stations
Monday, September 12, 2016
Teaching Factors & Multiples {Grade 6}
There are many different ways to approach teaching Factors & Multiples. It's almost important to relate them together in Math because factors and multiples are both concepts related to multiplication. Factors are numbers that we multiply to get a certain number. Multiples are the numbers we get after multiplying by the designated multiple number.
Factors and Multiples can be an exciting learning experience for students. Actively engage your students in the learning process with these Factors & Multiples activities.
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will also understand how to use the distributive property to express numbers.
Included are:
-4 different Factor & Multiples activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Practice of Factoring, Finding the Greatest Common Factor, and Finding the Least Common Multiple
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included
{Click HERE for Interactive Math Notebook: Factors & Multiples}
There are other ways to incorporate Factors & Multiples in your classroom besides using an Interactive Math Notebook, games, Math Stations, and other hands-on activities to name a few. Make it fun and exciting. For most students this may be a review lesson from 4th or 5th grade, so it's best to go over Factors & Multiples with Math Stations.
This math station activity is intended to help students understand find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will also understand how to use the distributive property to express numbers.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include: 1. Vocabulary 2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com) 3. Practice of Factors & Multiples 4. Additional Practice of Factors & Multiples 5. Real World applications of Factors & Multiples 6. Word problems of Factors & Multiples
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
{Click HERE for Math Stations: Factors & Multiples}
Lastly, I have a fun and engaging way for you to actively have your students using factors & multiples. I always assigned these fun puzzles are extra credit or classwork assignments, but many other teachers have used them as bell ringers, morning work, or homework to name a few. They are always a hit with the students as they review most of the concepts for Grade 6.
This October Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!
FEATURES: *15 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 6th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.
Topics Covered:
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Operations with Decimals
{Click HERE for October NO PREP Math Packet Grade 6}
Have fun with factors & multiples! It's a topic that needs to be light and fun as it is a building base for Algebra 1 and needs to be mastered for success in higher Math classes to come.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Interactive Math Notebooks 101 Guide {YOUTUBE VIDEO}
Check out my latest YouTube Video about
Middle School Interactive Math Notebooks 101 Guide!
Middle School Interactive Math Notebooks 101 Guide!
600 Teachers Pay Teachers Follower FREEBIE
I'm so excited to announce that I will be giving away a FREEBIE to my Teachers Pay Teachers Followers. I love celebrating TPT milestones with my followers and this is one that is worth celebrating! If you already follow me on TPT {that's great!}, just check your inbox on Sunday for the FREEBIE exclusive to my followers ONLY!
How do you get the FREEBIE? Make sure you login to Teachers Pay Teachers and click the "green star" to FOLLOW ME. Then you will receive a message in your TPT inbox on Sunday September 11, 2016 with the FREEBIE.
Thank you for your support and feedback! I truly appreciate all of my followers and allowing me to be in your classroom by using my resources.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Taking Notes in the Middle School Math Classroom
One question I was always asked by other teachers was, "How do you take notes in your classroom?" This may seem like a simple question, but it's one that I'm passionate about my answer and want to share with you how I teach students to take notes. Notes are the vessel that drives instruction in a middle school math classroom and a practice that needs to happen regularly in your classroom.
Did you know that Notes can yield a 34% GAIN in your students' learning achievements {Marzano 2001} and should NOT be ignored for the simple fact that they are one of the highest yielding strategies available to teachers teaching new concepts. That statistic is important to know and apply to your math classroom today. I want to share with you my Interactive Math Notebook Notes FREEBIE to help you teach your students to own their note-taking and be responsible for retaining the knowledge from their notes.
How do I use this NO PREP Notes template? First students write in their name and topic at the top of the page. Then let the students follow your own note-taking process {Write out the notes yourself and allow students to copy your notes. Hint: Always write MORE as students will write LESS in their notes and MORE detail is always better to show students.}
What is the column on the left and the lined column on the right? I created my NO PREP Notes to be similar to AVID notes. If you're familiar with AVID notes, you write the subtopic/question/main idea on the left, and then on the right you write the answer/math problem/definition/detailed response.
Why is there a summary at the end of the notes? Students need to review and reflect on what they have just learned by writing three detailed sentences. I have had students write "I learned Math" which is not acceptable. To get the students thinking I would ask 3 different students 1 sentence to summarize what they had learned from note-taking. I would then write those 3 sentences at the end of my notes to show the students how to summarize notes. By Thanksgiving the students would be independently summarizing their notes and I would not be scaffolding this part of the note-taking process.
I hope this is a valuable resource for your Middle Math classroom too. Over the years I have had students come back and tell me that I was the one that taught them to take notes and that they now know how to take, use, and study notes! WOW! The best compliment a teacher can receive is knowing that your teaching strategies work and that the students are grateful to you for imparting your skills and knowledge to them.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Middle School Math Stations for 6th Grade
Do you want to help your students review in a meaningful way?
Do you want to engage your students in the Math content?
I was hesitant at first when I started using Math Stations, but quickly found out how valuable they are!
Math Stations (also called Math Workshops) is a system of different types of activities in the classroom for the students to complete based on the same topic. I have created the 6th Grade Math Stations BUNDLE to cover all of the Math topics related to grade six and also cover all of the sixth grade common core standards.
These Math Stations activities are helpful to students in that they review concepts, practice Math, apply Math, and read about the Math in the real world. There are many different ways you can use these stations as they are versatile for the teacher to pick and choose which ones you want to use on any given day. If you already use Math stations in your classroom these can complement your set with additional practice and applications for students to review Common Core Standards.
This Middle School Math Station Bundle is a COMPLETED BUNDLE covering ALL 6th grade Common Core Standards!
This Bundle is 20% OFF the original price of all total math stations.
Included are the following Math Stations:
Math Stations: Integers
Math Stations: Factors & Multiples
Math Stations: Rational Numbers
Math Stations: Operations with Fractions
Math Stations: Operations with Decimals
Math Stations: Representing Rates & Ratios
Math Stations: Applying Rates & Ratios
Math Stations: Percents
Math Stations: Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Math Stations: Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
Math Stations: Equations & Relationships
Math Stations: Relationships in Two Variables
Math Stations: Distance & Area in the Coordinate Plane
Math Stations: Area & Polygons
Math Stations: Surface Area & Volume of Solids
Math Stations: Displaying, Analyzing, & Summarizing Data
I know this can be a great resource for you and your students to be actively engaged in the learning process. Students gain self-confidence and own their learning process when they are given the chance to work independently on Math Stations.
Happy Teaching!
grade 6 math,
Middle School Math Stations
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Middle School Math Stations 101 Guide {Organizing & Managing Grades 6-8} Youtube Video
Check out my newest YOUTUBE video on Middle School Math Stations 101 Guide. I talk about what's inside the packet and tips & secrets for you to use in your classroom too!
{Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE channel}.
{Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE channel}.
Middle School Math Stations,
Youtube Video
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