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Thursday, December 9, 2021

3 Math Tests That Matter

How do you measure a students' knowledge? 

There are many different ways to measure and assess a student. The key is to look for the most important grade level skills and measure if there is mastery of skills. A great way to measure skills is with a math test. Here are 3 Math Tests that matter and why you should be using them too. 

Diagnostic Test 

A diagnostic math test is the perfect assessment to see what students know and don't yet know. It's a great resource to keep in a student’s file portfolio for parent conferences, to show growth from the beginning of the year to the end, or to show the guidance counselor results that could be used to move the student to a different class. Diagnostic math tests can be administered any time during the first semester. 

All diagnostic math tests are aligned to grade level standards and skills. 

Midyear Test 

A midyear math test is an excellent way to assess how students' knowledge from the first half of the school year. This midyear assessment is a great resource to keep in a student’s file portfolio for parent conferences, to show growth from the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, or to use for math test prep before the state assessment. Midyear math tests can be administered any time during December or January after the first half of the school year. 

All midyear math tests are aligned to grade level standards for the 1st and 2nd semesters.

End of Year Test

An end of year math test is the best way to measure a school year. The end of year math assessment is a great resource to review the year’s curriculum and to show growth from the beginning of the year. The results can be shared with parents, administration, and to show the guidance counselor results that could be used to place the student in next year’s math class. End of year math tests can be administered any time during May or June after the second half of the school year. 

All end of year math tests are aligned to grade level standards for the year. 

Measuring knowledge is key in knowing if your students have grown. You can't improve if you don't know what skills have been mastered and what you need to reteach or review. Using just 3 math skills tests can make the difference and create a foundation for your students to grow and improve upon. 

Happy Teaching and Testing!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Christmas STEM challenges for Upper Elementary

 Ready to do some holiday STEM challenges? 

Get your students in the holiday spirits with these fun Christmas math activities.

Choosing a hands on approach to teaching math concepts is easier with a low prep STEM challenge. Here are four different activities to choose from to celebrate the holidays in math this year.


Students will have to apply their knowledge of fractions and problem solving to create a gingerbread house. You can use materials in the packet for a low prep approach. Just print the gingerbread house and candy decorations and go!


Being creative with perimeter is key to this challenge. Kids will use their measurement and problem solving skills to build gift boxes. This low prep activity is fun and let’s them explore different dimensions.


Students love this one. With candy gum drops and tooth picks build cookie jars for two gingerbread cookies. Applying multiplication and problem solving skills to complete the challenge.


A student favorite! Building with straws can be tricky, but your students will love this challenge. Using their division and problem solving skills students will construct trees to hold up to 9 candy canes on its boughs. Will it hold? That’s the fun testing part of the STEM challenge.


Use one or all of these STEM activities in your math class this December. Students love the variety and different activities that get them thinking about math. Grab your set of STEM challenges today!

Click HERE to grab the STEM challenges today!

Happy Teaching!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

How to Learn Subtraction Facts


Do your students know their subtraction facts? 

How to you track what math facts students know? 

Having students keep track of their Math facts doesn't have to be hard. There are some organization tools you can use to help your students master their subtraction facts. Let's look at the best way to learn math facts for kids.  

How to Learn Subtraction Facts

Learning subtraction math facts is a process. Let's look at the progression of Subtraction Math Facts. At the beginning of Kindergarten students are learning to count to 20 and may know some of the 1s facts. By the end of Kindergarten students should be able to fluently subtract within 5. By the end of 1st grade students should know most of their addition facts too. 

Subtraction Flash Cards

Practicing with flash cards helps focus on small math tasks.

There are many ways to get students to master math facts. One way is with flash cards for student practice. Students can practice at their own pace and focus on three, five, or seven math facts at a time. Once they master those, pick more to work on. These Subtraction to 20 math flash cards are 3.5 x 5 inches. You can print and place them in a photo (task card) box for easy storage. 

Subtraction Games

Playing math games is fun and engaging for students.

Another way students can learn math facts is with games. Learning through play is one of the best methods to memorize math facts. Subtraction to 20 math games are printable with playing cards and counting bears included. Students can choose from 11 different math mats to play. Easy to put at a math center or have a Friday game day with the whole class! Engaging students with games will motivate students to enjoy math and master their math facts at the same time.

Subtraction Worksheets

For students who are visual and concrete learners, working with worksheets and manipulatives is best. The Subtraction to 20 worksheets go through the levels of math addition to mastery. Try using worksheets with 20 or less problems. Students should be able to finish the worksheet of 20 problems in less than 10 minutes. If it takes the student longer you can break up the assignment and only highlight the problems they need to practice first. Allow them to come back to the other problems later and work on those. 

Learning subtraction math facts can be quick and easy. Help and motivate students with an easy math facts checklist. This will help students keep track of what subtraction facts they know and what they need to know. 

Want to access the subtraction facts list? 
Click HERE to Download the free math facts checklist

Happy Teaching!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

6th grade Math Worksheets for May

 Are you looking for fun and engaging Math activities for May?

Are you wanting a NO PREP Math solution for engaging your students?

If you said YES, then there is a great resource for your 6th grade Math students to use during the month of May! Use this packet for bell work, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!

This May Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving.

THIS MAY NO PREP MATH PACKET FEATURES: *20 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 6th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.

Topics Covered:
-Operations with Decimals
-Ratios & Unit Rates
-Expressions & Equations

Remember the best tip to keep those students engaged in May is making Math fun for all learners. Use puzzles, activities, and games to keep them engaged and make sure you are having fun too!

Happy Teaching!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

5th Grade Math Worksheets for May

 Are you looking for May Math activities? 

Want to engage your students in End of Year math worksheets that are fun?

These May Math activities will keep your fifth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with fifth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bell work, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!


  • 20 different math puzzle worksheets
  • FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
  • Packed with 5th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
  • An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
  • Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.

Topics Covered:

  1. Adding Decimals
  2. Subtracting Decimals
  3. Multiplying Decimals (by 10 & 100)
  4. Dividing Decimals (by 10 & 100)
  5. Comparing Fractions
  6. Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers
  7. Line Plots and Measurement
  8. Graphing on a Coordinate Plane
  9. Volume

May Math Worksheets Video

Click HERE TO DOWNLOAD: 5th Grade NO PREP Math Packet

Don't forget to have fun at the End of the Year! Give your students these fun puzzles and they will be totally engaged. 

Happy Teaching!

4th Grade Math Worksheets for May

 Are you looking for May Math activities? 

Want to review math at the end of year that's fun and different? 

These math printables for May will keep your fourth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with fourth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bell work, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!


  • 20 different math puzzle worksheets
  • FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
  • Packed with 4th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
  • An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
  • Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.

Topics Covered:

  1. Adding
  2. Subtracting
  3. Multiplying
  4. Dividing
  5. Factors & Multiples
  6. Comparing Fractions
  7. Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers
  8. Line Plots and Measurement
  9. Measuring Angles
  10. Area

Math Video for May Worksheets

Click HERE TO DOWNLOAD: 4th Grade NO PREP Math Packet

Don't forget to have fun at the end of year with your math review. Your kids will love it!

Happy Teaching!

3rd Grade Math Worksheets for May

Are you looking for May Math activities? 

Want to engage your students in fun math puzzles at the End of the Year? 

This Math Packet for May will keep your third graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with third-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bell work, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!


  • 20 different math puzzle worksheets
  • FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
  • Packed with 3rd grade common core math problems for review and practice.
  • An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
  • Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.

Topics Covered:

  1. Adding
  2. Subtracting
  3. Multiplying
  4. Dividing
  5. Time Telling
  6. Comparing Fractions
  7. Data with Pictographs
  8. Area
  9. Classifying 2-D figures

May Math Worksheets Video

Click HERE TO DOWNLOAD: 3rd Grade NO PREP Math Packet

Your students will have so much fun at the end of year when you practice math with these puzzles and games!

Happy Teaching,

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

3 Ways You Should Use Math Stations

Do you use Math Stations in your middle school classroom? Do you have your students practice working independently in your class? Do you facilitate or teach more? There are many reasons you should start using them today!

3 Ways You Should Use Math Stations

1. Students become independent learners.
Middle School students want to prove they are older and independent. They ask for tasks that they can work on by themselves or with a partner. When planning math lessons its always important to have a component of independence for the students. You can do this with math workshops. Set the students up for success with a rotation plan to complete all the tasks. Give explicit instructions and watch them achieve success. 

2. Students develop collaborating skills.
Kids learn to work together in groups. Either with a partner or up to 3 other students. This helps them learn how to problem solve and see a problem from another person's perspective. 

3. Students grow in math proficiency.
Ultimately the goal is to help students. Help your students by using math stations weekly or biweekly in the classroom. Math stations are great for reviewing concepts and practicing skills.  

The Math Stations 101 Guide is a must read eBook of how to implement Math Stations in your classroom. Teachers who have read it and implemented math stations in their classrooms said: 

"This resource helped me get started with learning centers in my classroom...thank you!!" -Nicole

"I never knew all the steps to create station but now I do! It was very simple to do because of the specific instructions. Thanks for that." -Tracey

"I am thinking about starting math stations with my middle school classes and this is going to be a great help. Thanks." -Lisa

Math Workshops can work in your classroom too. Giving your students the opportunity to learn and be independent will help their math development. Try one today! Click HERE to download a free math workshops guide and stations activities. 

Free Math Stations

Subscribe to get Free Math Station activities today!

    Happy Teaching!