Getting students to write about Math can be a challenge at first, but with practice and persistence your students can master writing Math fluently. To get my students to write with more description and Math vocabulary I started having them respond weekly to open ended Math prompts. These Math prompts I in turn put together in a Math Journal that I call "Quick Writes: Math Journal". These prompts are meant to keep students actively engaged in the prompt for a very brief period of time. There are 180 prompts in each journal {36 weeks of prompts} for an entire school year! The great thing is you can use this set of prompts for a variety of things: bellwork, classwork, extensions for math, enrichment, and homework to name a few. The prompts are mostly open ended giving the student the ability to write openly about Math.
I also have 6th, 7th, and 8th grade versions also available with 4.0 star ratings. Here is one of the ratings about how a teacher used Math Journals in her classroom.
I have used Math Journals as practice writing prompts, Friday bellwork activities, Math Station activities, and the list goes on. Students need to practice writing Math so they are better able to describe Math Concepts and how they connect. You will see learning gains on quizzes and tests go up when students have practice with writing Math. Just like in all other subjects, writing is an important part that helps students display their knowledge of a subject and continue to build upon it.