Do you want to engage your students on the first week or month of school?
These free activities are great resources to use the first month of school. Easy to read directions, and fun to complete math activities. Students enjoy these math puzzles and activities as they practice important math skills.

This is a sample of my Back To School Math NO PREP packet that will keep your 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders engaged on day 1 in your classroom! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Also included is a beginning of the year diagnostic test with 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade benchmarks addressed, back to school activities, and a Math portfolio starter pack. Use this packet at the beginning of the year review activities during August & September!!
This Sample Version FEATURES:
*2 days of Back To School Math Activities
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with common core math problems for review and practice. Tied to Common Core benchmarks requirements.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.
I hope that these activities are a great starting point in your classroom too. This packet is a great sampling of Back to School Math activities that quickly and actively engage students into math for the school year.
Happy Teaching!