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Thursday, September 6, 2018

October NO PREP Math Packet - 7th Grade

Do you want to engage your seventh graders in October Math?

Do you need a sub packet or a quick fun Math review for your students?

If you said YES, this resource will help your students be engaged and review seventh grade Math skills for October. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework.

*15 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 7th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.

Topics Covered: 
-Operations with Integers 
-Operations with Rational Numbers

Many teachers have given feedback on this great resource and how they have used it in their classrooms. Here is some of the feedback: 

"Thank you!! Your designs are very eye-pleasing and inviting for students. These activities have worked well for students asking for extra practice." "Wonderful product.  Thank you!" "Love it!" "Great resource!" "Perfect!! Thanks so much :)" "Nice variety Excellent for last minute filler!"

Many teachers have used this as a review, warm-up, morning Math work, substitute packet, or just fun Friday Math. I hope your students enjoy inte
racting with the October Math activities too. 

Happy Teaching!