Is it in a self-contained room?
If you said YES, you are SOOO lucky! I do have a home office, but it is not yet self-contained. It's in my homeschool classroom/play room. It tends to be messy, so I set out to change that this school year. I made a plan to clean it up and make it look presentable for myself. Spaces inspire people to either work or not and I wanted to bring some more color into my office space. So like anyone in the 21st century I GOOGLED, "What color should you paint your office for productivity?" To my surprise the color that I wanted matched with the color of productivity.
Yes, BLUE is the color of productivity. So I was happy that when I picked robin's egg blue as my office color that it would align with me being more productive! Can you apply this to your classroom? YES! Think about your classroom and what colors you have. Is there a strong blue tone? Do your students see more blue than any other color? It's a great reflection as a teacher to always remember that the colors you choose set the emotional tone for the classroom.
So here is my before of my messy office wall desk situation.

I am slowly learning to declutter. Not everything in the first picture was thrown away. Teachers are also hoarders too, right? So odds and ends went into supply storage bins, but overall I wanted a small impact to bring about more productivity at my desk.
What did this small transformation cost? The new items added were 1) Gold Lamp {$5 Walmart} 2) Blue tin bins {$1 Walmart & Party City} 3) White board {$3 Walmart} 4) New Binder {$2 Walmart}. For a grand total of $13 plus tax. Thank you back to school sales!!!
This "pop of color" in the robin's egg blue does simply that. My eyes are drawn to the blue and helps keep me focused. I hope that this small office change helps to inspire your own this school year! Next week I'll share what I did with my homeschool classroom for 2017-2018.
Happy Teaching!