Both sets include:
-7 different NO PREP Math Foldable Notes to engage students in note taking
-Teacher facilitated activity for 15-20 minutes of classroom time each
-PRINT & GO foldable notes that are ready with NO PREP
-Directions for using Math Foldables in your classroom
-Options for scaffolding with blank templates

Math Foldable Notes: The Number System Set 1
These math foldable notes are for students to be able to apply and extend understandings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers, absolute value of their difference, and apply properties of operations as strategies.

Math Foldable Notes: The Number System Set 2
These math foldable notes are for students to be able to apply and extend understandings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, simplifying fractions, comparing fractions, solving equations with fractions, and apply properties of operations as strategies.
Happy Note Taking!