{Click HERE to view ROLL IT!: Operations with Fractions game}
These dice games are intended to help students understand how to compare fractions, find equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction, interpret and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 Different ROLL IT! NO PREP games
-2 Player games
-1 set of printable dice
-Each game is a Teacher facilitated activity for 15-30 minutes of classroom time
-NO PREP Print & GO!
-Topics Covered:
Comparing Fractions
Finding Equivalent Fractions
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions

{Click HERE to view IMN: Operations with Fractions}
These interactive notebook activities are intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-4 different Fractions activities to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Activities include: Vocabulary, Word Problems with Fractions, Comparing Fractions, and K.C.F. Method for Dividing Fractions
-Examples of Completed Interactive Math Notebook Activities are included

{Click HERE to view Math Stations: Operations with Fractions}
This math station activity is intended to help students understand, interpret, and compute quotients of fractions and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to ixl.com)
3. Practice of Fraction Operations
4. Additional Practice of Fraction Operations
5. Real World applications of Fractions
6. Word problems of Fraction Operations
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers

{Click HERE to view October NO PREP Math Packet Grade 6}
This October Math NO PREP packet that will keep your sixth graders engaged! This packet is just plain fun. Not only is it PACKED with sixth-grade common core math problems, it also gives students fun coloring, puzzles, and problem solving. Use this packet for bellwork, classwork, extra credit, fast finishers, or homework!
THIS OCTOBER NO PREP MATH PACKET FEATURES: *20 different math puzzle worksheets
*FUN activities and puzzles centered on reviewing math curriculum.
*Packed with 6th grade common core math problems for review and practice.
*An ANSWER KEY for each worksheet.
*Lots of coloring fun. I’ve intentionally designed this packet with lots of pictures and borders to color. A MUST: Using a set of crayons or markers.
Topics Covered:
-Operations with Decimals
-Factors & Multiples
-Rational Numbers
-Operations with Fractions
-Updated for 2016-2017 School Year!
I hope these resources give you ideas for teaching operations with fractions. My favorite is the IMN activity where students have to "Keep it Change it Flip it" the fraction when dividing to find the answer. Students move the fractions in the interactive activity to come to the correct conclusions for the solution. Make learning fractions fun and engaging in your classroom too!