This is a great classroom tool that can save you time from explaining over and over again what your classroom rules, expectations, procedures, homework policies, testing policies, etc. are ALL about! This is the editable version that I give my students every year.
Included are:
-3 Different Grade Levels of Middle School Math Syllabi
-21 Pages of Editable Math Syllabus in Word Document Form
-Classroom materials needed
-Rules & Consequences
-Procedures for the classroom
-Info about Textbooks, Notebooks, other classroom tools
-Grading Scales for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade
-Grading Scales for the entire Math Department
-Homework Policy
-Absence Policy
-Quiz and Test Policies
-Parent Communication Policies
-Helpful for Parent Conferences, Meet the Teacher, and Open House Night
-Updated for 2016-2017 School year!
{Here are some of the reviews from fellow teachers}.
I hope this can become a helpful resource for you returning to the classroom. Included in the file is everything you need to address at the beginning of the school year with your parents and students. Make sure you address everything thoroughly so that they KNOW your expectations. If you plan ahead to have a great year, then YOU WILL!