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Friday, April 10, 2020

Math Addition Facts a 1st Grader Should Know

Do your students need practice with addition?

Do they have their addition facts memorized?

Have your students practiced math fluency in or outside of the classroom? It's an important skill to practice and build upon. Let's take a look at the math addition facts a first grader should know before entering second grade. 

Math Addition Facts a 1st Grader Should Know

There are many reasons why students should be fluent in their Math addition facts. Students who know their addition facts are able to solve word problems, process mental math easily, and can learn the next math standards of two-digit addition. 

What addition fact fluency skills do students learn in K-2? 

In Kindergarten students should master adding within 5 before they transition to 1st grade. In first grade students should know demonstrate addition fluency within 10. Finally in second grade students should have mastered fluently adding within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.  

When should students practice math addition facts and how often? 

Practice makes perfect. Have you heard that before? When practicing fluency for math, students need to be accurate and timely. Fluency looks different from student to student. There are some students who get extra time on quizzes and tests through their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). There are also some students that are able to use a calculator as a support aide as stated on their IEP. Everyone's fluency will look a little different.

The definition of being fluent is the ability to do something easily and accurately. Being fluent in addition facts should be easy for students to answer correctly. Fluency should be the goal for all students. Practicing math facts should be routine. Every day practice 20 problems of addition. Students will build stamina, confidence, and fluency will come naturally for them.

How should I start introducing math addition fact fluency to my students? 

In the beginning of fluency practice try five to ten problems. Have students practice their ones and twos addition facts. Slowly build up their stamina to twenty problems a day. This will increase their fluency and help them to easily solve word problems. The goal is individual fluency not timed tests.

If you are getting stuck ask yourself these questions about the student. Can they answer all the questions correctly? How long does it take for them to answer the questions correctly? If they are getting stuck provide additional practice of those facts. The Math facts printables are perfect for practicing fluency. Each printable is different and the worksheets are designed into six levels of addition mastery.

Try the math fluency printables today! Easy for students to practice and build addition fluency.

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K-2 Math Fact Fluency Practice

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