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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Halloween Math Activities {Grades 3 to 8}

Teaching around Halloween can be a tricky time of year. Why? Lots of candy is everywhere! Kids want to celebrate it at school and not everyone celebrates Halloween in their culture. Still want to celebrate it? Read this article about religions and cultures that do not celebrate Halloween and where Halloween came from {Click Here}.

My focus during Halloween has always been on pumpkins and fun engaging FALL activities. There are many cultures and religions that do not allow children to participate in Halloween, so instead of being in a conversation with your principal, plan ahead for SAFE FALL-FRIENDLY Math activities in your classroom.

Here are some of my favorites:

All of these Math activities are for Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Fun, engaging, and great review for all students! Teachers have used these packets for extra credit, classwork, homework, math station activities, math center activities, and fast finishers to name a few.
CLICK HERE to check them out at my TPT Store. I also give out FREE activities to my Followers, so if you click "FOLLOW ME" on TPT you will receive some FREE Math activities in November. I know these activities will help engage your students in Math and be lots of fun!